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Glenbard Parent Series

Rethinking Parental Pressure

Thurs. Aug. 19, 7pm

Dr. Hank Weisinger & Dr. Chris Thurber — Rethinking Parental Pressure: A Positive Approach to Encouraging Your Child to Be Their Best Self.

 Well-meaning parental pressure can be harmful or helpful, and the right type of pressure can be strongly linked not only to excellent performance but also to thriving mental health. Learn how can caregivers can reframe unhealthy parental pressure into a guiding force that will help children navigate their life  effectively  and boost the quality of the parent-child relationship, fostering resilience at a time when kids are more stressed  than ever before

Financial Aid Workshop

Wed. Aug. 25, 7pm Frank Palmasani Financial Aid Workshop — Discovering the Best College Fit at the Best Price

Finding valuable options at a great price is possible. The creator of the Financial Fit online program will highlight 30 steps parents and students can take to pursue scholarships and financial aid that will save thousands of dollars and pay for college without accumulating excessive debt.

A Gender Identity Conversation
A Gender Identity Conversation

Thurs. Aug. 26, Noon and 7pm Ken Ginsberg MD and Dr Robert Garofalo MD Loving, Affirming, and Supporting All Children to Thrive; A Gender and Identity Conversation.

For caregivers of teens who identify outside societal gender or sexuality norms, there is a need for intentional and caring parenting. Nearly one-third of high school students with nontraditional gender identities drop out of school to escape the bullying/violence they encounter. With strategies to help all young people feel valued, this seminar will feature nationally recognized adolescent medical specialists as we seek to provide researched information on how to thrive as a caregiver in this parenting space.


7 p.m.:

Social Skills
Social Skills

Tues. Aug. 31, Noon and 7pm  Janine Halloran Social Skills and Anxiety Solutions for the Early Child: Start the Year Off Right.

Many children have a hard time handling their strong emotions whether it is anger, anxiety, or sadness. Coping mechanisms and communication skills can help with setbacks, disappointments and defeats. Here is a foundation caregivers can use so they can assist children in interacting with their world and their peers in a healthy, happy way.


7 p.m.:

Community Read

*Community Read* Wed. Sept. 8, 7pm Author Wes Moore — "Discovering Wes Moore" and "The Other Wes Moore: One Man Two Fates"

Two Baltimore boys  from the same neighborhood named Wes Moore were born months apart. One grows up to be a Rhodes Scholar, decorated veteran and White House Fellow. The other becomes a convicted murderer serving a life sentence. Here is a story so compelling, it became an instant best-selling book and upcoming major motion picture. Here is a  firsthand account of a life’s journey empowered by the strength of his family, educational opportunities and community. Moore explores the power of personal responsibility and the role that it played in making positive choices, as he inspires audiences to find their path and create a life that matters.